Upcoming Zoom Yoga Classes

May 17, 2024 from 12pm to 12:30pm – All Levels Yin Yoga with Arielle

In Yin Yoga, we move slowly and mindfully, allowing us to relax the mind and work deeply into the body with passive, longer holds. Yin yoga is a more passive, restorative style of Yoga that targets deep tissues, ligaments, joints, bones, and fascia to empower a more sustainable active lifestyle.

Register for May 17 Zoom Yin Yoga Class

Preparing for Yoga Class

Do I Need to Fill Out Any Paperwork?

All program participants must sign the required waiver before participating. You can find the waiver by clicking here.

Is there a fee for this class?

There is a suggested fee of $5 for this class, which can be paid here, by Zelle (yogiarielle@gmail.com), or Venmo (@ariellelevinson).

What Do I Need?

Other than water, you really don’t need anything but yourself! That being said, using props in a Yoga practice can help make it more accessible and enjoyable. Below are some helpful props you can use in a Yoga class.

Yoga Mat: A Yoga mat is preferable, but you can always use a towel or blanket if you need to. There are many brands and types of Yoga mats, and which one to use is a personal preference. Some options include Gaiam (they make several lightweight, reasonably priced Yoga mats), Manduka Pro, and Manduka ProLite (these are more of an investment, but also work great for hot Yoga). You can find yoga mats at many local and online retailers.

Yoga Blocks: Blocks are a great tool to incorporate into your Yoga practice and there are many reasons and ways to use blocks. You can use cork blocks, which are sturdier and durable or foam blocks, which are lightweight and portable. You can find blocks at many local and online retailers.

Yoga Strap: You can find a Yoga strap at many local and online retailers, or just use a belt or hand towel.

Yoga Bolster: For Yin Yoga, it is a great idea to use a Yoga bolster, and they come in many brands, shapes and sizes. You can also use a standard or large pillow just as well. You can find Yoga bolsters at many local and online retailers.

Towels/Blankets/Layers: You can use any extra towels, blankets, clothing layers, and hand towels you need for comfort and warmth.

I Have More Questions…

Check out Yoga FAQ by clicking here or email YogiArielle@gmail.com.